措施六:信息 & FAQs

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On May 15, 2024, the West Sacramento 市议会 authorized placing a one-cent sales tax on the November 2024 ballot to fund essential services, 包括道路维修和改善, 公共安全, 公园的保养, trails, 公共空间, 以及对无家可归的回应. 措施六建议如下:

重建道路,修补坑洼, 加强警察和消防保护, 招聘和保留公共安全人员, 维护公园和小径, 解决无家可归, 保持公共场所的安全和清洁, shall the 西萨克拉门托市 measure enacting a one cent transactions and use tax (sales tax) providing approximately 20 million dollars annually for general government use, 直到被选民结束, with all funds locally controlled and subject to independent financial audits and public spending disclosures, be adopted?




自1987年伦敦金融城成立以来, 西萨克拉门托增加了30人,000居民, more than 1,000家新企业和超过10家,每天新增工作和通勤次数达000次. This progress has created economic opportunities for the community and improved the quality of life for our residents, 增加新的工作和餐饮, shopping, 娱乐, 娱乐设施. As West Sacramento continues to grow and our 基础设施 ages, the 市议会 must regularly evaluate the need for enhancements to essential services to ensure that the City is meeting community needs.

For decades, the City has been a strong steward of taxpayer dollars, 持续投资于公共安全, 道路维修, park maintenance and critical 基础设施 projects. However, as the demand for municipal services has increased, the costs of providing those services has outpaced the availability of new revenue, mainly due to the fiscal challenges of aging 基础设施 and historically high maintenance costs.

The 市议会 has made it a priority to keep pace with the service expectations of our residents and to elevate the City’s standards related to essential services including 公共安全 and maintenance. The Council elected to place Measure O on the November 2024 ballot to provide a long-term, sustainable funding source to address this priority.

What has the 市议会 funded with past measures?

The City’s current ¼ cent funding measures include Measure K (2003), 措施五(2008), 措施E(2016)和措施N (2018). These past measures have funded numerous City programs and projects related to roads, 公共安全, parks, childcare, 防洪, 运输, 无家可归, 以及其他重要的举措. The 市议会 receives annual reports on the use of these funds to confirm they are being expended according to their voter-approved uses and to assure that the funds maximize benefit to West Sacramento residents.

Past funding measure expenditures can be viewed in this 全面的总结


What budget priorities will the 市议会 address with Measure O?

The City’s current budget is challenged to maintain basic standards for operations and maintenance, especially as our population continues to increase. The City currently has minimally acceptable staffing levels in key operational departments such as Police, Fire, 公共工程, 和帕克斯维持现状, but it lacks the budget capacity to raise our standards through increased services. Measure O will create a dedicated funding source for operations and maintenance, allowing the City to meet residents’ expectations by providing higher-quality municipal services, 基础设施, 和设施. The 市议会 intends to address the following priorities with Measure O revenue:


The City’s police and fire departments are facing ongoing recruitment and retention challenges, 导致人手不足.

· The response time for high priority police calls is as high as 16 minutes

· Since 2012, fire department call volumes grew by 45%


Despite the City’s ongoing efforts to address 道路维修, 含填充物2个以上,自1月1日以来,已经挖了100个坑, 2023, there is a significant gap to meet current and future needs. It is estimated that an additional 10 maintenance workers are needed to properly address potholes and road maintenance needs on a sustainable basis.

· Between 2018-2023, the City has experienced a 311% increase in pothole reports.


在过去的15年里, the City has added many new parks and trails for the community to enjoy, resulting in additional maintenance needs to ensure these public spaces remain safe and attractive. The following amenities have been added since 2008:

· 53.12个新公园的6英亩公园空间

· 12.5英里的小径


· 58,000 square feet of new facilities including the 娱乐中心 and 社区中心

How will the 市议会 utilize Measure O funding?

如果O法案被选民通过, the 市议会 will utilize the funding strictly for increasing the level of essential services provided by the City, 包括道路和坑洼修补, 警察及消防, 公园及小径保养, 无家可归的响应, 保持公共场所的安全和清洁. The 市议会 has initially identified some opportunities that could be accomplished nearly immediately with a portion of these funds, including:

·实施若干 道路修复工程, 包括萨克拉门托大道, 杰佛逊大道, Southport Parkway and Harbor/Industrial Boulevard

·创建 专门的道路维修小组 with staff and equipment solely for repairing potholes and completing road repair projects

· 恢复45号消防车的人员配置, creating positions for up to 12 additional firefighters and 改善全市火灾响应时间

· Several new police officer positions, creating a 警察巡逻班次增加20%

· Increased personnel to maintain parks, trails, roads, sidewalks 和设施


If you have any additional questions about Measure O, please submit here.